"Taste How Much We Care" is a slogan stolen from the fine folks
at "Culver's" restaurants. They feature fine cuisine but evry questionable mascots. Has anyone ever actually looked at "Scoopie"???
Released at the Beta Tau Rush
in Fall of 2007, SS 14.0 has two different covers and
about three different variations of songs. The first two CDs made feature about 8 different tracks from the list above and
was not given out. The real reason why it wasn't released is because most of the tracks were simply bad files. In the end
we got the disc done before the rush and the final list shown above was distributed to eager students.
The cover for the album was made only a day before the album was given out by Ryan Sather
of the Beta Sigma class. He so graciously put myself (Magoo) right on the cover in front of a psuedo "Moe's Tavern" from the
(Magoo's Tavern... I like it)
Fearing no cover was going to be ready, the alternate was made "just in case". It features
a very, very nice looking hotdog.
Since Ryan went through so much trouble getting the cover done, and also do to the fact that
I (Magoo) forgot to put his song on the disc, There was a Ryan Sather: Special Edition made to thank him.
Unlike Ryan, the Mary Kate Brophy: Special Edition was made because MK forgot
to put her song on the list. We at Sigma Delta care about our members, even if they are forgetful.